Code of Conduct (en)

Code of Con­duct for krakelee club @ Gewöl­be, 07.12.2024:

All of us – inclu­ding the guests – crea­te the atmo­sphe­re of a par­ty tog­e­ther. To ensu­re that ever­yo­ne can par­ty free­ly and care­free, we (the krakelee team) have drawn up a code of con­duct for our events. Plea­se read it careful­ly befo­re atten­ding.

Awa­re­ness: Unfort­u­na­te­ly, it is not pos­si­ble for us to set up a com­ple­te Awa­re­ness Struc­tu­re at Gewöl­be. Howe­ver, we are available to help with any pro­blems. If you noti­ce any­thing, feel uncom­for­ta­ble or need sup­port, plea­se address to the peo­p­le behind the bar, at the ent­rance, at the clo­a­k­ro­om or at the door. The­re, the crew will call in a trai­ned per­son for sup­port.

We are gra­teful for con­s­truc­ti­ve cri­ti­cism and feed­back. Talk to us in per­son or cont­act us via email: