01.10.2022, 20:00 | Kulturbunker Mühlheim 

LEYLEY | Timcheh e. V. x krakelee

We were so exci­ted to share our next event with you. Howe­ver, the cur­rent news from Iran have left us with fee­lings of sad­ness, fear, anger, and at the same time ? hope. Let’s keep our­sel­ves infor­med about the cur­rent events and spread them among our fri­ends, fami­lies and com­mu­ni­ties. We dedi­ca­te this event to all the women* who have been fight­ing for their lives and free­dom.

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Woman ? Life ? Freedom

Tim­cheh e. V. 

»Ley­Ley« (intern. Kin­der­spiel / dt. »Him­mel und Höl­le«): Wir tan­zen im und außer­halb des Vierecks. 

Tim­cheh e. V. hat vier auf­stre­ben­de  Künst­le­rin­nen aus Tehe­ran, Köln und Ber­lin ein­ge­la­den, die sich der elek­tro­ni­schen Musik unter­schied­lichs­ter Spiel­ar­ten ver­schrie­ben haben. An den Decks, im Stu­dio oder im Radio rei­ßen sie Gen­re­gren­zen zwi­schen Left­field House, Bro­ken Beats, Tech­no und Bass­mu­sik ein, stets auf der Suche nach dem Ver­bin­den­den, der Que­er­ness und neu­en musi­ka­li­schen Wel­ten. Unter­stützt wer­den sie dabei von krakelee, einem Kol­lek­tiv, das seit zwei Jah­ren dar­an arbei­tet, einen lin­ken, kol­lek­tiv ver­wal­te­ten und genos­sen­schaft­lich finan­zier­ten Tech­no­club in Köln zu eta­blie­ren. Wir freu­en uns auf einen span­nen­den musi­ka­li­schen Abend, bei dem Sexis­mus, Ras­sis­mus, Homo­pho­bie und ande­re dis­kri­mi­nie­ren­de Ver­hal­tens­wei­sen nichts zu suchen haben.

Tickets gibt es an der Abend­kas­se. Spen­den­emp­feh­lung: 7?13 ?.

»Ley­Ley« ? mea­ning the ?hopscotch? children’s game: We’re dancing in- and out­side of squares. 

Tim­cheh e. V. has invi­ted four aspi­ring fema­le artists from Tehe­ran, Ber­lin and Colo­gne, all dedi­ca­ted to a wide array of dif­fe­rent elec­tro­nic dance music styl­es. On the decks, in the stu­dio or in their radio shows, they like to tear down bor­ders bet­ween gen­res like Left­field House, Bro­ken Beats, Tech­no and Bass Music; always loo­king for con­nec­tions, que­er­ness and new sonic worlds. The night is sup­port­ed by krakelee coll­ec­ti­ve, which is working on estab­li­shing a left-win­g/­pro­gres­si­ve, coll­ec­tively run & finan­ced tech­no club in Cologne.We’re loo­king for­ward to an exci­ting night, free of sexism, racism, homo­pho­bia and other dis­cri­mi­na­ting behaviours.

Tickets will be available at the door. We recom­mend a dona­ti­on of 7?13 ?.

Line Up

MONIBI (she/they)

Moni­bi is a club DJ, radio host, and music pro­du­cer based in Ber­lin. Born in France, for­mer Scot­tish resi­dent, adopted Ger­man. Bass music and left­field house music often shi­ne in Monibi’s DJ sets. She takes inspi­ra­ti­on from the old-school NY open-for­mat school of DJing: she joins the dots of the dance music spec­trum­fa­vou­ring vibe over gen­re dog­ma­tism. The vibe is retro­fu­tu­ristic, embra­cing que­er­ness, and invi­ting colourful mys­tic journeys.

insta­gram | face­book | sound­cloud | resi­dent­ad­vi­sor | band­camp


Music Pro­du­cer / Dj / Foun­der & Mana­ger Of DeepHouse Tehr­an. Nesa Azadik­hah (1984) is a Tehr­an based Dj, music pro­du­cer, com­po­ser, sound­ar­tist, and musi­ci­an. From play­ing Ton­bak and Daf at the age of six­teen in under­ground dance cir­cles, she has estab­lished hers­elf as one of Tehran’s most in demand elec­tro­nic music and sound artists and com­po­sers around. She is the founder/owner and mana­ging direc­tor of DeepHouse Tehr­an and pro­mo­tes Ira­ni­an elec­tro­nic musicians.

insta­gram | face­book | sound­cloud | beat­port

SAVSANNAH (she/her)

Cali-born, Colo­gne-based Sav­s­an­nah aspi­res to bring peo­p­le tog­e­ther through music, com­mu­ni­ty buil­ding, and wri­ting. Over the past six years, she’s grown as an artist and has found hers­elf in dif­fe­rent pockets of the city, such as hos­ting her bi-month­ly dublab DE radio show »This Must Be The Place«, co-foun­ding the con­tem­po­ra­ry pop-focu­sed label Safe Space Records, and also co-foun­ding the que­er-femi­nist coll­ec­ti­ve, cum­ming. In the past two years, she star­ted DJing at various venues and par­ties in Colo­gne, focu­sing her sets on crea­ting a wel­co­ming space whe­re lis­ten­ers can escape to ano­ther world and feel an array of emo­ti­ons. She con­veys this through the dif­fe­rent gen­res that wea­ve in and out of her sets in hopes that ever­yo­ne feels loved, included, and connected.

insta­gram | face­book | sound­cloud | mix­cloud | resi­dent­ad­vi­sor

Shar­lie (she/her)

Born in Paris and lives in Colo­gne, explo­res various musi­cal gen­res in a musi­cal con­nec­tion that knows no boun­da­ries. Her musi­cal iden­ti­ty lies in a mix­tu­re of orga­nic assem­bla­ges with tri­bal sounds, acid bass and world pop, but also tran­s­cen­dent expe­ri­men­tal music.


Design + Visu­al: Sor­oush Kha­zaie, @soroushkhazaeii