231125 – Sativa im Exil

Loo­king for­ward to Sati­va im Exil ope­ning the night!

Sati­va im Exil is a colo­gne based DJ / music pro­du­cer duo, focu­sing on audi­to­ry inter­pre­ta­ti­ons of mys­ti­cal psy­che­de­lic expe­ri­en­ces. By wea­ving tog­e­ther vinyl samples, per­cus­sions & modu­lar syn­the­si­zers with fiel­dre­cor­dings, they crea­te hyp­no­tic music to get lost in medi­ta­ti­ve sta­tes of un/consciousness. While releasing their debut album ?Illu­si­on Respek­ti­ve? on the ambi­ent music label BreeZz­ze, Sati­va im Exil con­cen­tra­te on their live per­for­man­ces. In col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with visu­al artists, the­se events empha­si­ze indi­vi­du­al sen­so­ry expe­ri­en­ces through the inter­play of music and light. Still being Djs at their hearts, they run their own show titled »Laten­te Hyp­no­sen« on the renow­ned inde­pen­dent radio sta­ti­on @dublab.de

As Sati­va im Exil are curr­ent­ly still prac­ti­sing their live set, Till and Fynn have been lis­tening through their record coll­ec­tions and pre­sent us with elec­tro­ni­cal­ly hyp­no­tic dance music from the last 30 years.

Insta­gram: @sativa.im.exil