Real Estate Search

Fin­ding sui­ta­ble real estate in Colo­gne is chal­len­ging, par­ti­cu­lar­ly for less con­ven­tio­nal con­cepts. Can you help us by kee­ping an eye out for poten­ti­al loca­ti­ons? The more peo­p­le who keep their eyes open for us, the hig­her our chan­ces of fin­ding the per­fect spot. Thank you for your support.

Noise protection

Of cour­se a club is noi­sy and even with the best noi­se pro­tec­tion con­cept most of the city is unsui­ta­ble for such a pro­ject (today). Our guests talk on the way to us and at the ent­rance, a pos­si­ble out­door area gene­ra­tes noi­se and even with the best sound insu­la­ti­on some of the music spills out into the street. Con­se­quent­ly, flats must not be too clo­se, with a distance of over 100 met­res being ide­al. We need expert opi­ni­ons on noi­se pro­tec­tion and guest arri­val in order to get per­mis­si­on for the krakelee Club. We can sol­ve most issues with just a bit of crea­ti­vi­ty and money. Howe­ver, we’d pre­fer to use the money else­whe­re to make the club even nicer for you and us, and to make the pri­ces as fair as possible.

Special requirements

A club also has very spe­cial requi­re­ments for the pro­per­ty. It is hard­ly pos­si­ble wit­hout reno­va­ti­on mea­su­res: the event rooms must be made fire-safe, escape rou­tes must be crea­ted, ven­ti­la­ti­on sys­tems must be instal­led and the tech­ni­cal equip­ment must be built in. For this reason, buil­dings that have no struc­tu­ral defects but are in need of reno­va­ti­on are par­ti­cu­lar­ly sui­ta­ble for us. A club does not need white walls and that is why we are also inte­res­ted in older (com­mer­cial) buil­dings and wit­nesses of indus­tri­al cul­tu­re. Howe­ver, each poten­ti­al object must be con­side­red indi­vi­du­al­ly and details would exceed the scope here.

Competition in the market

The mar­ket is alre­a­dy very com­pe­ti­ti­ve, and it has beco­me even more chal­len­ging due to signi­fi­cant chan­ges in retail trade over recent years. Brick-and-mortar shops like the local shoe or elec­tri­cal store are clo­sing down, while online and mail-order busi­nesses are expan­ding rapidly and requi­re com­mer­cial spaces to stock and dis­patch goods and store them seve­ral times on their way to the cus­to­mer’s door. Warehou­ses like the­se do not requi­re buil­dings in good con­di­ti­on or with advan­ced equip­ment. As a result, they are in direct com­pe­ti­ti­on with us becau­se they rely on inex­pen­si­ve rents for unre­no­va­ted buil­dings in desi­ra­ble loca­ti­ons. Along­side the­se low demands, busi­ness risks in the mail-order indus­try are mini­mal, and move-in/­mo­ve-out times are rapid, making the­se pro­per­ties appe­al­ing to owners as ten­ants. The­r­e­fo­re, this altera­ti­on results in pre­cious struc­tures in cen­tral urban are­as being used up ins­tead of being uti­li­sed for the bene­fit of the public.

we need you!

We want and need to break through this pro­cess! Sin­ce more uncon­ven­tio­nal con­cepts — no mat­ter how solid they may be on paper — are often view­ed with sus­pi­ci­on and dis­missed with the usu­al emp­ty phra­ses, we need you! When­ever you noti­ce a vacan­cy, you know someone who owns such pro­per­ty, you hear about a com­pa­ny that is clo­sing down or relo­ca­ting in a few months or years, wri­te to us! We rely on direct cont­act with land­lords and owners to pre­sent our visi­on and busi­ness model. Unfort­u­na­te­ly, estate agen­ci­es are not much help in this; they choo­se the path of least resis­tance and have litt­le sen­se for the neigh­bour­hoods, cities and peo­p­le in who­se envi­ron­ment they operate!

So feel free to cont­act us at any time by email at!

Profile of requirements

Loca­ti­oninner-city or near-city peri­phe­ral loca­ti­on with good
acces­si­bi­li­ty, arri­val main­ly by bicy­cle and public transport
Rechts­formein­ge­tra­ge­ne Genos­sen­schaft (eG)
Finan­cingCoope­ra­ti­ve shares, crowd­fun­ding, per­so­nal loans
Core hoursFri 23:00–11:00, Sat 23:00–11:00
Guests400–800 peo­p­le per night
Flo­ors1–2, depen­ding on size
Addi­tio­nal roomsrest/awareness room, back­stage, office,
sto­rage, sani­ta­ry rooms
Event area200–500sqm
Out­door area100–300sqm