about krakelee

krakelee is coll­ec­tively orga­ni­zed and has one goal: a coope­ra­ti­ve tech­no­club in Cologne.

what we want

We want a sub­ver­si­ve place that brings tog­e­ther music cul­tu­re with socio-poli­ti­cal aspi­ra­ti­ons. A place for soli­da­ry and self-deter­mi­ned tog­e­ther­ness. We want a room for dancing and a place for dre­a­ming. For us, clubs are more than just rooms with loud music and colorful lights: They are places whe­re peo­p­le enter into a rela­ti­onship with each other. We want to shape this tog­e­ther­ness in such a way that ever­yo­ne can relax and let go. 

who we are

Wir sind ein Kol­lek­tiv aus der­zeit zehn Per­so­nen mit unter­schied­lichs­ten Erfah­run­gen und Kom­pe­ten­zen. Bereits seit vie­len Jah­ren orga­ni­sie­ren wir ehren­amt­lich in ver­schie­de­nen Pro­jek­ten Par­tys, Fes­ti­vals und kul­tu­rel­le und poli­ti­sche Ver­an­stal­tun­gen. Uns ver­bin­det der Wunsch, die Köl­ner Kul­tur- und Club­sze­ne durch neue, alter­na­ti­ve Ange­bo­te zu erwei­tern. Seit dem Früh­jahr 2020 ent­wi­ckeln wir des­halb gemein­sam Ideen und Kon­zep­te für einen genos­sen­schaft­li­chen Tech­no­club. Die Grün­dungs­ver­an­stal­tung der krakelee eG fand am 20. Juni 2022 statt.

how we work

Our col­la­bo­ra­ti­on is coll­ec­ti­ve, cri­ti­cal of hier­ar­chy and orga­ni­zed socio­cra­ti­cal­ly. Our pro­ces­ses are struc­tu­red in a clear and com­pre­hen­si­ble man­ner so that we can imple­ment our plan effec­tively and in a way that con­ser­ves resources. 

We regard our work as a con­ti­nuous lear­ning and deve­lo­p­ment pro­cess. Tha­t’s why we want to estab­lish a lively cul­tu­re of dis­cus­sion and feed­back that enables ever­yo­ne invol­ved to learn from and with each other. Do you have feed­back or suggestions?

Leitbild & Satzung krakelee eG

Der sta­tu­tes der krakelee eG liegt ein mis­si­on state­ment bei, der alle Mit­glie­der zustim­men müssen.

Down­load mis­si­on state­ment

Down­load sta­tu­es

club as a cooperative

Find out why ›Club as a cooperative‹ makes sense