
Influen­ced by the instru­ment she lear­ned to play at the age of 10: the drums, AMSL was fasci­na­ted by per­cus­sive sounds and rhyth­ms from an ear­ly age. When she star­ted recor­ding DJ mixes in 2018, her sound was main­ly influen­ced by artists from the UK fun­ky scene.

Today, AMSL?s sets ser­ve a broad, cross-gen­re field of elec­tro­nic club music from house to bass, break and tech­no, often with strong per­cus­sive, func­tion­al ele­ments. AMSL is part of the 8‑member DJ crew E.P.I.Q. from Colo­gne, with whom she has been hos­ting and cura­ting par­ties sin­ce 2021.

Kol­lek­tiv: E.P.I.Q. @e.p.i.q
Pro­no­men: she/her

pho­to cre­dits: Len­ny Rothenberg


kra­kee­len gegen rechts ? Soli­par­ty für anti­ras­sis­ti­sche Initiative

10.05.2024, 23:59 @yucaclub

AMSL (E.P.I.Q) @amsllamsll
Cui­sine (Cui­sine Records) @cuisine.records
Marie Lung @marie__lung

VVK ab sofort: ab 14? (Link in Bio)
Abend­kas­se: 16??20?

Gewin­ne am Ein­lass gehen an das Pro­jekt »Viel­falt ver­bin­den ? Raven gegen Ras­sis­mus« und »AnFan­gAn e.V.«. Ein wei­te­rer Ver­ein wird im Rah­men der Ver­an­stal­tung bekannt gegeben.