support krakelee

A coll­ec­ti­ve club pro­ject thri­ves on the sup­port of many. Learn how you can sup­port krakelee here.

Help finding a location

We look on the usu­al por­tals and take walks all over Colo­gne. Howe­ver, we’­ve noti­ced that direct cont­acts and per­so­nal tips are the most suc­cessful. Any sug­ges­ti­ons are appreciated. 

our requi­re­ments

Consulting and Know-How

Do you have expe­ri­ence with tax law for gas­tro­no­my or coope­ra­ti­ves, per­son­nel manage­ment, acqui­ring sub­si­dies, noi­se pro­tec­tion, or con­ver­ting spaces for enter­tain­ment pur­po­ses (inclu­ding clubs in Colo­gne)? If so, we would app­re­cia­te your assis­tance in ans­we­ring our ques­ti­ons. Plea­se feel free to cont­act us at

Stay up to date

Sign up for our news­let­ter or fol­low us on face­book and insta­gram at @krakeleeclub.


You are a collective, for example in the areas of awareness, security or party and want to cooperate with us? Get in touch with us!