oskø @ Gewölbe

oskø is a DJ based in Brest (FR) and Colo­gne (GER). Sin­ce relo­ca­ting to France, oskø has beco­me an inte­gral mem­ber of the Azu­ri­um Coll­ec­ti­ve, known for its immersi­ve and com­mu­ni­ty-dri­ven events. Recent­ly, oskø joi­n­ed the Kom­pakt fami­ly in Colo­gne, working with the label and in its renow­ned record store. Dedi­ca­ted to vinyl in their DJ sets, oskø seeks out com­pel­ling and dri­ving mini­mal tech­no sounds, crea­ting uni­que per­for­man­ces that reflect their deep com­mit­ment to the diver­si­ty of elec­tro­nic music.

Out­side of their DJ care­er, oskø is acti­ve in the fields of time-based media and instal­la­ti­on work.

Sat 07.12.2024, 23:00 @gewoelbe_cologne

pre­sa­le via link in bio: 16?
box office: 20?