krakelee club @Gewölbe

We will be kicking off the dark months of the year at one of our favou­ri­te clubs in Colo­gne — and the­se incre­di­ble artists will fill it with their hyp­no­tic sound:

Lau­ra BCR @laura___bcr oskø @_oskooo Pau­la Koski @paula.koski Sat 07.12.2024, 23:00 @gewoelbe_cologne
pre­sa­le via link in bio: 16€box office: 20€

[Ger­man in comments]Code of Con­duct: We want to crea­te a space that is as non-dis­cri­mi­na­to­ry as pos­si­ble, whe­re ever­yo­ne feels wel­co­me. We want all guests to tre­at each other with soli­da­ri­ty and respect. Plea­se read our Code of Con­duct befo­re atten­ding the par­ty!

Awa­re­ness: Unfort­u­na­te­ly, it is not pos­si­ble for us to set up a com­ple­te Awa­re­ness Struc­tu­re at Gewöl­be. Howe­ver, we are available to help with any pro­blems. If you noti­ce any­thing, feel uncom­for­ta­ble or need sup­port, plea­se address to the peo­p­le behind the bar, at the ent­rance, at the clo­a­k­ro­om or at the door.

Acces­si­bi­li­ty: The ent­ran­ces to the club and the dance flo­or are wheel­chair-acces­si­ble. The­re is a step in front of the bar on the dance flo­or though; access to the bar in the room pre­ce­ding the dance flo­or is level. We will pro­vi­de more detail­ed infor­ma­ti­on on acces­si­bi­li­ty in Decem­ber.

Plea­se get in touch if you have any ques­ti­ons about acces­si­bi­li­ty or Awa­re­ness via DM or

➡️ In case you can­not afford the ent­rance fee, e‑mail us until Thu 05.12., and we’ll find a solu­ti­on ⬅️ If you have a disa­bi­li­ty and have / need an accom­pany­ing per­son, plea­se send us an e‑mail and we will add them to the guest list. 💌

Die Ver­an­stal­tung wird geför­dert vom Kul­tur­amt der Stadt Köln.
——Design/Plakat: @ana_varholla