Laura BCR @ Gewölbe

Lau­ra BCR’s ambi­ent tech­no comes on with a rum­ble. It sends shock­wa­ves through the flo­or, enve­lo­ping lis­ten­ers until it swal­lows them who­le.

Taking her name from the now-shut­te­red Ber­lin com­mu­ni­ty hub and record store Bass Cadet Record­sto­re, the French artist now chan­nels her wide-ran­ging tas­te and keen sen­se for cura­ti­on into her DJ sets and pro­duc­tions, as well as into her role as a foun­der of the label, event orga­niza­ti­on and agen­cy @on_boardmusic.

Laura’s DJ sets are known for their trans­por­ti­ve, atmo­sphe­ric qua­li­ties and a sound that lay­ers deep tech­no and dub­bed-out ambi­ent. Honing her uni­que style through years in the under­ground rave cir­cuit, she’s car­ved out her own lane in the sce­ne, and she con­ti­nues to push boun­da­ries and deepen her sonic explo­ra­ti­ons through her resi­den­cy on @refugeworldwide and on the dance flo­or.

Com­pli­men­ting her tas­te as a sel­ec­tor, BCR’s own ambi­ent tech­no pro­duc­tions are cha­rac­te­ri­zed by shim­me­ring, undu­la­ting syn­ths and subt­ly shif­ting drum pat­terns — a mix that makes them pri­med for dila­ting time on blea­ry-eyed dance­f­lo­ors. The hyp­no­tic qua­li­ties of her tracks have caught the atten­ti­on of labels like @sohaso, @semantica_records and @auxiliarymusic and in 2023, her EPs How do I get to know you and Human Beha­vi­or were released on @konstrukt__ and @liveatrobertjohnson, the legen­da­ry Frank­furt venue’s own in-house imprint.

Sat 07.12.2024, 23:00 @gewoelbe_cologne

pre­sa­le via link in bio: 16€box office: 20€