

goes Odo­ni­en!

EPHIE (Goe­the­bun­ker)
flo­co­lo­res (krakelee)
Har­mon | DJ Set (Mood­fa­mi­ly)
Kei­kee (Fei­nes Tier)
Lena Wil­li­kens (Salon des Ama­teurs)
oskø (Kom­pakt)
Praq­ma | LIVE (krakelee)

Fr. 07.06.2024, 23:00–08:00 @odonien

Tickets (link in bio): 16–20€
box office: 18–22€

[Ger­man below]
As long as we don’t have a sui­ta­ble loca­ti­on for our coll­ec­ti­ve tech­no club, we’ll be orga­ni­s­ing par­ties in other Colo­gne clubs – to test our­sel­ves and to par­ty with you. Now we are loo­king for­ward to crea­ting a rave at Odo­ni­en!
You can expect a sel­ec­ted boo­king, love­ly deco­ra­ti­on and visu­als by @henningbrode.

We want to crea­te a space that is as non-dis­cri­mi­na­to­ry as pos­si­ble, whe­re ever­yo­ne feels wel­co­me. We want all guests to tre­at each other with soli­da­ri­ty and respect. In addi­ti­on, the­re will be an Awa­re­ness Team.
No pho­tos, enjoy the moment!

➡️In case you can­not afford the ent­rance fee, e‑mail us until Thu 06.06., and we will find a solu­ti­on ⬅️ If you have a disa­bi­li­ty and have/need an accom­pany­ing per­son, plea­se send us an e‑mail and we will add them to the guest list. ✉️ feedback@krakelee.org