Paula Koski @ Gewölbe

Pau­la Koski spe­cia­li­zes in the space bet­ween men­tal and fast-paced, groo­vy tech­no. The Fin­nish-born, Ber­lin-based DJ is in her ele­ment when per­forming ener­ge­tic peak-time or clo­sing sets, such as at @tresorberlin or @postbarhelsinki, whe­re she is a resi­dent.

Pau­la is inspi­red by the que­er tech­no sce­ne, whe­re she finds expres­si­ve free­dom as a part of the LGBTQIA+ com­mu­ni­ty. Inte­gral­ly con­nec­ted to her audi­ence, she brings her sets to life through the expe­ri­en­ces of like-min­ded peo­p­le — on dance flo­ors and across cities that most need her repre­sen­ta­ti­on.

Paula’s talent for tel­ling sto­ries through her sets stems from her back­ground as a jour­na­list, during which she began her care­er as a DJ. It wasn’t long until her poten­ti­al was reco­gni­zed, and she moved to Ber­lin to pur­sue her musi­cal aspi­ra­ti­ons. For seve­ral years, Pau­la con­tin­ued her work as a wri­ter for the tech­no mono­lith Monu­ment whe­re she was also the head of pre­mie­res and resi­dent.

Now focu­sing on her own music, with appearan­ces at Berg­hain, RSO, Hall Tal­linn, as well as other key clubs in Euro­pe and bey­ond, watch for Pau­la as she unites dance flo­ors along­side the likes of DVS1, Auro­ra Halal, Stef Men­de­si­dis, and more.

Sat 07.12.2024, 23:00 @gewoelbe_cologne

pre­sa­le via link in bio: 16€box office: 20€